Saturday, June 7, 2014

To “Come And Do” Is Better

A south Asian national partner friend of mine scoffs at the American notion of wanting to simply “come and see.”  This is the idea of exploring and observing ministry and culture, being fearful of imposing Western Christianity, or speaking too soon before a thorough analysis can be completed.  This is an overly cautious approach.  And taking too long to get involved can lead to other problems.

Just Speak and Do Something

His advice, and mine, is to move past our reticence, and what are often only selfish concerns.  We can observe while we are busy contributing.  In so many places in the world Christian leaders and people are starving for good teaching, for outside encouragement, for friendship with a smile, for advice, counsel, a helping hand, for any input that might possibly be helpful even in the least!

Once we start speaking and doing, the national Christian leaders will be able to discern between Biblical truth and value, and simply American applications.  No worries, much of the time.  People are smart, especially God’s people.  Be open and seek deeper dialogue and your most valuable contributions will become obvious.  But, you have to be open and non-defensive, a learner yourself.

Be Prepared for Anything

Sometimes I wonder if we Americans are too often too lazy to prepare, even too afraid of an intense schedule or the strenuous work ahead of us that is required.  Many of our national partners and hosts wonder why we only want to watch and not participate.  Is this a waste of their time, perhaps?

A good national partner friend of mine, trusted colleague, and true Gospel partner, only allows foreigners to “come and do.”  A good policy.  He challenges me every time to put out, and be useful, and be valuable to those God has placed in front of us.  The mission is urgent, so get up there and share something.

Speed it Up

Often as Americans we are looking for the perfect mission setup, but in the process we slow down the mission.  We want a thorough analysis, all our questions answered, and absolute, or near enough, guarantees of success.  We want the best situation out of all the situations in the world.  I have actually thanked my national partners for their patience with Americans, and with me.

We move way too slowly, producing uneasiness in our national partners, because we are looking at advancing the Gospel the way we do at home—not very well, hidden deep within our own methods of painstakingly seeking cultural acceptability.  We need to move it, move it!

Please do not go over there just to “come and see,” but go to “come and do.”  This way you will invest yourselves; you will learn; you will grow; you will be appreciated.  Ultimately, you will return and keep on blessing your friends and partners in the Gospel!  And you too will be blessed beyond your own expectations!

Just get on the plane, and just do something, my friends.

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