Sunday, December 21, 2014

Identifying Messianic Psalms

The Messianic Psalms are the Psalms that speak about the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.  Which ones are they?  This question is not as easy to answer as it might seem.

The Usual List

We start by taking note of the Psalms that are quoted in the New Testament.  Then, we add to the list those which, though not quoted, seem to overwhelmingly point to Jesus, nonetheless.  This might be because the language of the Psalm looks beyond its original situation, or Messianic terms are used, or a certain circumstance in the New Testament fits a specific Psalm so well.

Then they are often arranged in two groups, those about His life and those about His Kingship.  And so, we end up with about 21 Messianic Psalms.

Kingly Psalms:  2, 18, 20, 21, 45, 61, 72, 89, 110, 132, 144.
Personal Life Psalms:  8, 16, 22, 35, 40, 41, 55, 69, 102, 109.

The Full List

However, when searching through the Psalms you will start to wonder if this list of 21 is really sufficient.  Remember the teaching of our Lord Jesus Himself in Luke 24:44.
“These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.”
Might it be more accurate to declare that all the Psalms are Messianic?  Although not all are Messianic in the same manner, but in a variety of ways.

The Christ is the ultimate extension of King David in the Psalms.  He Himself is also the ultimate resolution of all human aspirations expressed in the Psalms.  These things being so, the full and final satisfaction of each Psalm will be found only in Jesus Christ.

How To Read the Messianic Psalms

It is easiest and most rewarding to start with the most recognized and celebrated, the list of the most obvious 21.  Give yourself about 30 minutes to spend in each Psalm.

Here are five steps to follow when reading these Psalms:
  1. Read through the Psalm from the perspective of the original audience.  Restrain yourself from thinking ahead.  Do this multiple times.
  2. Read through the Psalm from the perspective of Messianic fulfillment.  Restrain yourself from going back in history.  Do this multiple times.
  3. Stop.  Sit in awe.  Recognize the glory of God and Jesus Christ that the Holy Spirit has revealed to you in His Scripture!
  4. Offer up prayers of praise, using the Psalm itself, and even using the New Testament fulfillments you discover along the way.  Take your time and do a lot of this.
  5. Recognize the value of the truths to yourself, to your time in Redemptive History.
The Kingdom of God has been inaugurated by the Messiah; it is expanding currently by proclamation of the Gospel; and it soon will be consummated with His reign upon the earth, and then forever in the New Heavens and New Earth!

So, let us give ourselves fully to the Gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ!  Missions is for the greater glory of God and Christ in the world now, and the world to come!

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