Sunday, May 3, 2015

Mobilizing Near Culture Mission Efforts

It is not about who can do it best, or the quickest and easiest.  And it is certainly not about who can do it for the least amount of money!

It is about results.  It is always about results.  And the best part is that it is also about relationships.

So, Who is the Best?

Suppose there is an unreached people group somewhere in the world your church wants to reach.  Actually there are over 6600 of them as of today.  How might you reach them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Consider the fact that there are most likely Christians and churches in nearby societies who could reach them better than you.  This is because they look more similar, speak more similarly, and understand so much more than you.

Consider also, that it is probable that they might need and want some training in strategy and skills, or other foundational matters.  It is highly likely that you would be able to provide what is needed, or find it for them.

And be aware that there might be an enormous amount of history of which you are unaware.  This history is reality, and it comes with fears and misunderstandings.  It will take patience and perseverance to bring transformation with the Gospel.

What will you do to build relationships, and share a common vision?  What will you do to truly share the mission, not take it for yourself nor push it all on them?

It is Not Us or Them, but All of Us Together

Doing it alone, especially if you are well resourced, can accomplish a lot sometimes, but not most times.  What appear to be astounding results very often prove to be very short-lived, if you take the time to honestly examine the long-term results.

In the long run developing partnerships will have the greatest impact.  It is not about who is better equipped.  It is about equipping, and even more important, it is about empowering others!

There is one People of God spread out over the globe.  The key is working together in spreading the Gospel, planting churches, developing leaders and fulfilling the larger vision of the Kingdom of God.

The concept of working together is not usually worked on enough.  If it hasn’t become hard to do, then you probably haven’t yet attained real togetherness, real partnership or deep relationship.

Think Resourcefully

When considering reaching the unreached, let us consider how near-culture cross-cultural mobilization might be more effective in both the short-term and in the long-term.  And let us allow this to inform our strategy, correct our assumptions and channel our desires for the Gospel mission.

Let us not be quick to assume a solution.  Let not our first assumption be that we alone need to place our own residential missionaries to get the job done, or simply pay national workers to do it, or get them the best materials, or send the best short-term teams, or whatever sounds quick, easy and inexpensive.

Very often, most of the resources necessary are close by!

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