Sunday, August 23, 2015

We Don’t Always Have To Pray About It

How often do we hear people say “I will need to pray about it” and we wonder why this is really necessary?

Certainly, praying about a decision is spiritually wise and biblically correct.  But, some prayers should be relatively brief and a decision made quickly.

Here are three common mistakes in thinking we need to pray over every decision, with three suggested adjustments.

Avoiding a Decision or a Person

Sometimes people already know their answer.  And often it is the right answer.  But they say they will pray about it to avoid being honest and direct.  Perhaps they are afraid to say “no,” especially if pressured to pray about it, or to say “yes” too suddenly. 

In such cases it is not likely that serious prayer will be performed.  Instead, we should be clear with people from the beginning with a “yes” or “no” and a simple reason why.  This may lead to a deeper conversation and even possibly truly thoughtful prayer about the decision.

Mistaking it for Humility

How can anyone disagree with prayer?!  It is the Christian thing to do to submit to God in prayer.  But I wonder if this type of humble prayer is taking place as often as it is reported.  There are many things in life that we just decide without conscious prayer for direction; and this is fine.

Humble reliance upon the indwelling Spirit of God should allow Christians to make many decisions with confidence, and not use prayer as a means of delay.  There is no need to feign humility and spirituality if it is not needed, or you already know the answer God wants you give.

Denying the Obvious Will of God

Many times, in fact very many times, when people say they need to pray about it they already know God’s will in the matter.  This is tragic.  Because, if God has been clear in His Word, clear in our mind and heart, clear in godly counsel and clear by life’s circumstances, then we should get on with it!  

It is an insult to God and foolish to pray against His will, like Gideon in Judges 6.  Instead, we should pray with great thanksgiving that He has equipped us for the task at hand, and led us so faithfully!

Different Decisions and Degrees of Prayers

Certainly, there are many decisions that require significant amounts of prayer and intense searching before the Lord.  If this is required we should definitely give ourselves to the Lord in prayer.   It takes spiritual wisdom to know the outcomes of an upcoming decision and how to match it to the degree of prayer necessary.

We should challenge others and ourselves when we say “I need to pray about it.”  Do we really need to do so, and for how long?  If we are abiding in Christ, walking in the Spirit, and enjoying our relationship with our Father, then we will find that many decisions can be made without delay and with spiritual confidence and humility.

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