Sunday, September 13, 2015

If Pastors Would Just Show Up

Today I filled the pulpit for a pastor friend of mine who is in Africa on his first cross-cultural mission trip to train national pastors.  I was so surprised to hear he was doing this and can hardly wait to talk to him when he returns!

Churches Sharing Their Pastors

I commended that congregation today for their faith, selflessness and their broad vision for the advance of the Gospel in the world!  They are a future Kingdom oriented church!

Many churches are selfish and are unwilling to share their pastor with the world, even for a couple of weeks a year.  If their pastor wants to go on a mission trip he would have to use his vacation time and pay for it himself.  The truth is that mission work is no vacation, especially for pastors.  Pastors usually work harder on mission trips than they do in their regular ministry.

Instead, churches should consider setting aside ministry funds for their senior pastor to travel 2-4 weeks a year on cross-cultural mission work.  In today’s globalized world and globalized church the expectation of pastors becoming personally involved should be a given.  Some churches might need to give their pastor a little push (or shove) to get out the door because he might feel like there is too much to take care of at the church right now.

This investment will not only advance the Kingdom in various parts of the world, but will expand the world view of every pastor.  This in turn will expand the worldview of many churches.  And once this happens, who knows what awesome global church-mission partnerships will emerge!?

Pastors Doing What They Do Best

I am looking forward to my pastor friend’s return later this week and hearing his stories of how just two weeks in central Africa changed many people’s lives and ministries!  Also, I want to hear what he thinks God might have next for him and his church in His Mission!

There are countless way to be involved in world missions.  Yet perhaps one of the easiest, and at the same time most useful, way for pastors to be involved is as pastors.  The vast majority of pastors around the world would love to have quality practical training in preaching, shepherding and leading from those who have already done it or are currently doing it.

Pastors, think about how others have invested in you, your life and ministry.  You could do the same thing for fellow pastors in even more difficult and needier places in the world.  You are wanted and needed and will make a huge difference!

Can you set aside your excuses for couple weeks, and give it a try?  Pastors need encouragement from fellow pastors.  Just get on a plane and get over there and see how the Lord Jesus brings about the fullness of His blessing to them and to you!

And when you return, please tell me your stories.

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