Saturday, December 19, 2015

Pick A Number, Any Number

Are we still too small, or have we become too big? 

What size should our church be? It is a good question. But the answer is that it doesn’t matter a whole lot, so just pick a number and be done with it.

An Ever Elusive Goal

Each church should set a numeric goal, work toward it, and upon reaching it rest satisfied, thoroughly satisfied and stop.

The main problem with not selecting a numerical goal is that the church and its leadership are constantly chasing an undefined and ever larger goal. This is poor leadership, laziness, and really truly a sorry excuse for casting a vision.

On the other hand, other churches say they want to be larger, yet undermine it in their behavior and never reach it. Instead, they should simply admit they really desire to be the size they currently are, and be fine with it.

Indecisiveness and unwillingness to face reality produces an unfocused angst in many congregations. Many worry about growth, whether their church is not growing, growing too much, growing in the wrong ways or growing by the right methods. 

Leadership needs to step up and lead, provide directional clarity and peace. And stop wasting everyone’s time, energy and life.

Settle It and Move Onward 

A common default mode is to think that getting bigger is better and that this is fulfilling the Great Commission. But, many churches never get much bigger, even over the course of many years. Additionally, there are often limitations on how big certain churches are ever going to get. 

So, we need a better goal than an elusive and frustrating growth target. The solution is easy. Pick a number: 30, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 or more. Any number will do. Everyone will feel much better once a number has been chosen. 

This decision can probably be made in just a few leadership meetings. Consider the unique context of your church, the resources and gifts the Lord has given your congregation.  What is His plan for you, uniquely, not for every other church? 

Size will determine many things about a church, its staffing, its style and types of ministries and most everything else. So choose wisely what you really want. But, once you get to the number then you get over the anxiety, and you can get on with finding more significant goals. 

Let’s be honest and clear—church size is really not that significant of a goal.

Greater Works to Be Done

Church planting and global mission is where the truly significant goals are to be found! 

Reaching the unreached and starting new churches, that is what it is really all about, and every size church can be involved! In fact, we need all sizes of church for this enormous endeavor around the world.

The world need churches that are satisfied with who they are, not unsure and chasing lesser goals of big numbers or small numbers. Pray over your church’s number, but also pray about the larger more important indicators of true Great Commission vision that extends beyond your church.

Pick a number, any number will do, and let’s move on and move forward!

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